Sunday, June 8, 2008

How to use the NasalCleanse neti pot

Just a few simple steps in 5 minutes ... is refreshing!

Step 1 Fill the neti pot with lukewarm water to about 3/4 full and add 1/4 teaspoon of salt (use non-iodized salt / rock salt / sea salt). It is best to use filtered water and make sure the salt is totally dissolved before using the water. (If you do not want to mix the salt water directly into the neti pot, you could also mix it separately in a cup, please refer to FAQs)

Step 2 Lean over the sink and tilt your head to the left. Place the nozzle into the right nostril, open your mouth to breathe and raise the neti pot. Water will enter the right nostril and flow out through the left nostril. Continue breathing through your mouth.

Step 3 After the water has passed through the nostril, remove the nozzle. Gently blow your nostrils to clear the water and mucous out from your nostril.

Step 4 Repeat this process with the left nostril (Step 1 to 3). After rinsing both nostrils, blow both nostrils to dry the nostrils.