Sunday, June 8, 2008

The healing miracles of neti pot

The healing miracles of neti pot

Sinus is air cavities in the cranial bones near the nose and connecting all around it.

The term sinusitis is an inflammation of the para-nasal sinuses which may or may not be a result of infection from bacterial, fungal, viral, allergic or autoimmune issues.

Chronic sinusitis is a complicated spectrum of disease that share chronic inflammation of the sinuses in common.

The causes are multi-factor and may be environmental factors such as dust or pollution, bacterial infection or fungus.

Some of the symptoms of sinusitis include nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, thick green or yellow discharge and feeling of facial fullness. Headache is another symptom of sinusitis.

Acute sinusitis can cause pressure within the sinus cavities of the head.

Recent studies indicate that up to 90% of sinus headaches are migraine.

Usually a combination of antihistamine along with decongestant will be prescribed by doctors. These drugs can only give temporary relieve and not address the root cause of the problem.

A recent British study has found that for most cases of acute sinusitis, antibiotics work no better than a placebo.

Recently, medical practitioners are suggesting usage of nasal irrigation and flush to promote healthy sinus cavity.

Daily saline nasal irrigation decreases sinus symptoms and reduces dependency on drugs and improves quality of life.

By flushing the nasal passage with saline solution, it removes bacteria, purulent material and helps restore ciliary's function.

In yoga practice, shatkarma techniques involve purification of the body. Jala neti (nasal irrigation) is one of the oldest and most researched aspects of sinus irrigation.

While it is of natural interest to yoga practitioners, this technique has been found to be effective for treating sinus infections, allergies, headaches and even stress.

This neti exercise is intended for the purification of the nostrils. The nostrils must be kept always clean. Unclean nostrils will lead to irregular breathing.

Sinus passages get flushed in a manner combining the forces of gravity with the venture-effect created when water flows through the nasal passages.

A subtle vacuum is created which extracts the mucus and toxins from the sinus passages in the flowing water.

In order to create this vacuum and ensure the flow of water without air blockage, a special spout must be inserted into the nostril. This directs the water into the nostrils at the right pressure and creates a suitable flow pressure.

Saline water has high osmotic pressure whereby it does not get absorbed into our system. Salt water is a great body cleanser. It is used to flush out old mucus secretions that have trapped dirt and germs from the activities of everyday life.

The normal function of the body's mucous lining within the upper respiratory tract is to do that very thing, to trap dirt and germs. Normally sniffing, blowing, coughing, sneezing and swallowing can clear out gross particles which become trapped in the mucous lining, but by washing the nasal passages with saline water, a complete cleanout is done more effectively. This then prevents rubbish passing further into the system by the "first stage filters" becoming overloaded. In a healthy person who eats well, breathes well and lives in a clean environment, the mucous lining should be able to cope alone and cleanse itself on a regular basis. But for a mouth breather or one who eats bad food or one who works in a dirty city or factory, the dirt and germs build up beyond the capacity of the normal cleansing mechanisms causing all manner of malfunctions in the nose, sinus passage, eyes, ears, throat, chest.

Benefits of using Neti Pot : Neti removes all the dirt and bacterial filled mucus from within the nose.

It also helps to drain the sinus cavities, the body's natural mechanisms against nasal infections such as hay fever, allergies, sinusitis and other upper respiratory complaints like sore throats and coughs, post nasal drip, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids are thus prevented.

Due to the cooling and soothing effect on the brain which draws out excessive heat and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, epilepsy, temper tantrums, hysteria, depression and general mental tension.

Neti helps flush the tear ducts, encouraging clearer vision and gives a sparkle to the eyes.

Neti helps to restore the sense of smell. It helps in concentration and gives a feeling of lightness and clarity to the mind.

Neti is excellent for those trying to give up smoking. Since it reduces the tendency for mouth breathing, Neti re-sensitizes the nose to the actual pollution of ingesting smoke, thereby de-programming the brain of the physical and psychological addiction.

An article written by Prof. Dr Dhilip Kumar (extract from MY STAR August 2008)